
Archive for November, 2009

Today was pajama day at our house.  Molly stayed in her pajamas ALL day.  She even went out – twice! – in them.  Those of you that know me are probably wondering what’s wrong with me.  Molly has the cutest clothes and we love to play dress up, but today just wasn’t the day.  Today was the first day of a week without Jim, and I don’t handle five a.m. wake up calls (ok, wake up cries) very well!  After realizing that Peaches wasn’t going to soothe herself back to sleep, which meant I wasn’t going back to sleep either, we started our day around 5:45.  And by starting our day, I mean that I brought Molly into my bed, fed her, and then lo and behold, she starts yawning, so I make a nice, cozy spot for her, right in Jim’s place and we both take a nap.  Before we’ve even really gotten up for the day.  So then we woke up just in time for her to eat again and go to the food pantry with my mom and sister and niece (to drop off a donation) and it seemed a little cool and breezy out, and Molly was so cozy in her pjs, so I just left her in them.  Then, we came home and I was going to yoga and it was time for Molly’s nap, so there was no need to change her.  And when I got home from yoga, my mom took us to lunch and Molly was still pretty sleepy, so I thought maybe she’d sleep at lunch if I left her in her pink and green striped pajamas.  Well, then it was time for Molly to eat again and take another nap, so really, there was need for an adorable outfit at this point in the day.  So, once Molly had slept and eaten and napped and spit up in her pajamas enough for one 24 hour period, I decided to change her.  Into another pair of pajamas.  And then we laid on the couch together, out of respect for Jim of course, who wasn’t here to lay on the couch instead.

She doesn't seem to mind pajama day...

All ready to go back to bed. (I LOVE that she is grabbing her lovey now!)

Don’t worry, love, we’ll play dress up tomorrow.

And another first that I left out the other day…

The first football game - UNC vs. VT. (UNC won...Peaches must be their good luck charm!)

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Sweet Peaches?

Before Molly was born, we had all kinds of sweet nicknames for her.  We had to call her something, since she didn’t have a name until many minutes after she entered this world.  My favorite was Baby.  Many, many gifts at my baby showers were for Baby.  My mom would ask how I was doing, and I’d say something like, “Baby is very active today.”  But even after she joined our family, Jim and I would often call her an endearing something other than her given name…Jim especially tried a LOT of nicknames for the girl:  peanut, boogs (for several days, she had the grossest eye boogers.  I thought he was calling her BUGS, because some of her pjs had bug feet, but no…he was referring to her eye boogers), sweetheart, sweet pea, peaches.  One day, he morphed two of the nicknames and hence christened Molly as Sweet Peaches.  I couldn’t agree more.  She IS so sweet and yummy, just like a ripe peach.

smile on boppy pillow

I’m about three months and three weeks late with this blogging thing.  There have been many exciting things that Molly has already experienced and many, many adorable moments we’ve had together.  I hope to use this blog to share updates about what Molly is up to,  what our life is like with this awesome addition to our family, and to one day show Molly how much we cherish her.  So many of my friends have said to write down the things that happen, the milestones Molly reaches, because I’ll forget.  I didn’t think that I would, but I have forgotten so many things already.  Every day is new and exciting and Molly changes so much, that just when I think there’s no way I’ll ever forget that, she goes and does something even cuter and more amazing.  This happens EVERY DAY.

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The firsts…so far

The first family picture

The longest three minute car ride EVER...how nerve-wracking to actually drive the baby home!

The nursery...it hasn't been this organized since the day we brought Peaches home...

The first bath

Molly's first wedding AND road trip to DC (there have been many more since then!)

Recovering from her first vaccinations

"You guys are so far away when I'm down here..." First time in the Bumbo seat.

First time in the exersaucer

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