
Archive for June, 2012

This past weekend, we traveled to Virginia to meet up with Jim’s brothers and their wives plus one nephew and another babe on the way, plus his mom, aunt, uncle and grandmother. It was nice to see everyone, especially since we won’t be traveling this holiday season due to baby #2’s arrival. There’s a picture of Molly with her cousin Wrigley that I will have to post, but I think it’s on Jim’s phone, so I’ll have to track that down.

The three of us were sharing a room and we brought blankets to create a pallet for Molly to sleep on, but as expected, she wanted none of that. She also didn’t want us to leave her when we tucked her in. You would think I would have embraced a 9 pm bedtime, but that would have only been if she had let me sleep. At one point, Jim and I were hanging on for dear life on the edges of the queen size bed while Molly sprawled horizontally across the bed.

She had a fever and what we now know is bronchitis, so her sleep was restless at best. Non-existent at worst.

On Saturday night, I thought she had fallen asleep, so I tried to slip out of the bed to get some water and visit with my brothers-and-sisters-in-law. As I was slowly sitting up, Molly slid her hand up my arm, grabbed hold of me just above the elbow and said, “Gotcha.”

I could hear the grin in her voice.

“Lay down Mom.”

And all night long, she maintained a grip on me. My arm, my shirt, even my ponytail at one point. As uncomfortable as the nights were, I loved how needed she made me feel in this time of testing boundaries and exerting independence.

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Many of you who check in on the blog probably received my email yesterday with our exciting news.

And to answer some questions: Yes, I’m pregnant. And yes, I’m due in December. I am 14 weeks; the due date is December 18. I’m anxious about ruining Molly’s Christmas, but also pretty confident this baby won’t be here before Christmas which means I’m worrying about nothing (big surprise, I know!).

I’m finally feeling somewhat better, as in I haven’t vomited in three days and I actually ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. It’s been a rough few months, but I expected it to be seeing as how I was pretty sick with Molly, too. Molly has watched more t.v. than I’d like, and she spent a few weeks following me around, pretending to throw up and telling me that the baby in her tummy hurt too. Somehow, I know she’ll be okay and hopefully forget about these things.

Molly has already been SO sweet to the baby, rubbing my (already seemingly huge!) belly and giving kisses and hugs. She also likes to tell random people at Target that we have babies in our tummies. The other day at the pool, I was wearing a tankini and Molly asked me, “Why are you covering up the baby?” She has all kinds of funny comments and thoughts surrounding the new baby, so stay tuned for more updates soon.

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As Jim sits at the dining room table on his laptop and I plop down on the couch with my laptop to proof something for a customer, I declare, “Someone was so smart, inventing laptops, so they could work from the couch.”

Jim chuckles and says, “I’m pretty sure the laptop was invented for travel, not working from the couch.”

I’m pretty sure I win this one; what do you think?


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