
Archive for the ‘crafts’ Category

You may remember, months ago, when I said I wanted to make something for Molly.  I should have stopped at the nice thought and moved on.  But no, instead I actually decided that I would, indeed, make her something.  So I found a pattern for an A-line dress.  So cute!  So simple!

Or so I thought.  My neighbor is lucky the sewing machine hasn’t ended up in his backyard.  I’ve been thisclose to chucking that thing out the window on more than one occasion.  Don’t get me wrong – things started out easy enough.  First, I modified the dress by finding grosgrain ribbon to tie the dress closed at the back of the neck instead of a zipper, or buttons.  Then, I had no problem cutting out the pattern and fabric.  Easy-peasy, I thought, getting just a little too smug about this sewing business.

I got one shoulder seam sewn and started on the second one.  I have sewn and ripped apart the second shoulder seam no less than 54 times.  I kid you not.  The tension is too tight, so I loosen it.  The tension is too tight, so I loosen it.  Back and forth.  On and on.  Multiple times a day, multiple days a week.

Months ago, I put the sewing machine away but today I got it back out.  I’m newly inspired (by many things, including a subtle nudge from Jim that I should really finish the dress before Molly turns 21 and can’t fit in it) and felt ready to tackle the project again.  Until the sewing machine made me cry.  Something is WRONG with this sewing machine, I’ve decided.

And since I’m not going to finish this dress, I better go shopping to find a cute dress for my baby.  I hope Molly knows I love her whether I can sew her a simple A-line dress or not!

{And for the love of God, if you know what is wrong with my sewing machine, please send me an email!}

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I borrowed a Shark steam mop Sunday and couldn’t wait to get home and try it out.  Jim and I were amazed (and slightly grossed out) by how much dirt it got off our floors.  I mop every week yet you wouldn’t know if from looking at the microfiber pads that you use with the Shark steam mop.

So, we went to Target and bought one last night.


We’re not going to the beach until the end of July, so while I’m counting down the days to our vacation, I decided to bring a bit of the beach to our house.  I was inspired by this Williams-Sonoma wreath I saw in the catalogue:

So I made one of my own using shells from my sister’s beautiful beach wedding and from my other sister’s huge shell collection that she made her husband smuggle into the U.S. in their suitcase after a vacation.

A clear hurricane vase filled with left over shells and a sea shell plate (on sale!  from Pottery Barn!) on the mantle complete the beach-y look I was going for.

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Crafts and cousins

Do you ever feel like everyone else is doing something that you could be doing?  Because I feel that way.  I woke up one day and realized, everyone else is doing it.  Being crafty, that is.  I’m not exactly the most creative teacher on the hallway, I’ve never sewn anything, and I can barely draw a stick figure.  Both of my sisters are incredibly talented with their photography and create beautiful portraits.  Whitney loves to cook and makes much of their food from scratch.  Seriously, from scratch.  She once told me that her husband took a completely homemade pb & j sandwich for lunch.  Homemade bread.  Homemade peanut butter.  Homemade jelly.  And Beverly is a phenomenal decorator (you should see her house!) and makes lots of cool things for her kids and friends.  She made Peaches the cutest bow holder for Christmas and some of my favorite burp clothes when Molly was born.  My husband draws the cutest pictures on notes he leaves for me and I have friends that are artists, writers, and one who sewed her guest room bedding and window treatments.  And in my daily online adventures, I’ve come across a lot of crafty mamas.  (Check out two of my favorites, here and here!)

Molly's adorable bow holder and my favorite burp cloths, handmade by my sister Beverly

So, I’ve decided that I want to get in on the action, too.  One of the things on my “Ten in 2010” list is to make something for Molly.  The only problem is, is that I have to decide what to make.  I’ve got a couple of ideas up my sleeve, and I’m plenty inspired by the women – and baby! – in my life.  Stay tuned to see what I come up with!

And, because I know the real reason you’re here:

Molly and her cousin, Addison

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